Harry Potter World: Warner Bros Studio Tour, London

Ugh, took me forever to finally find the time to write about the final part of our UK Trip. In fact, this post stayed in my drafts for months.. and I have only noticed that it hasn’t been posted now, oops. Oh well, it’s better late than never right?

Anyway, back to a quick recap of our trip to Harry Potter World @ Warner Bros Studio Tour in London. First of all, this experience surpassed all of my expectations. Admittedly, I had no idea this was the exact location where the films were actually filmed. I’ve always thought we were just walking into another theme park.. with replicas of the sets, hehe. Oh boy, I was wrong!! These were the ACTUAL SETS where the movie was filmed, with a few exceptions – some of the sets had to be taken apart post-filming so yes there were some replicas. There was so much to see too, not just walk throughs of the various sets… but what better way than to just show you pictures.. enjoy!

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