Ayam Masak Kicap

This dish made me cry. Not because of its simplicity, but because it brought back so many childhood memories. I miss my parents back home in Malaysia. This dish was one of our staple chicken dishes that we would have at home all the time. It was probably one of the first dishes my dad ever taught our house maid to cook for us kids back in the days. It is wholesome, and so delicious, and satisfying, and this is my version of “Ayam Masak Kicap” aka Soy Cooked Chicken with a very slight twist in serving suggestion.
My dad would probably never serve it with avocado and spring onions, lol. His way of cooking it doesn’t even have sesame seeds, although he did say it was an excellent idea for me to add sesame seeds. For him, this dish doesn’t even qualify as a “recipe” – it is almost too simple. Back home, we would serve it with rice and maybe some stirfried veggies. However, I kept it really simple tonight and dinner was ready in 20 minutes. See, you can never be too busy to cook 🙂
AYAM MASAK KICAP aka Soy Cooked Chicken
2 tbsp olive oil
600g chicken pieces
5 tbsp dark soy sauce
3 tbsp sugar
1 tsp white pepper
1 tbsp sesame seeds
1 stalk spring onions, chopped
1 avocado
Heat oil in wok and cook chicken until just browning, this should take approx. 5-7 minutes. Add dark soy sauce, sugar and white pepper. Cook on medium low heat for approx. 8 minutes or until the sauce thickens and starts to simmer. Add sesame seeds. Cook for another 5 minutes.
Serve chicken on a bed of steamed white rice with some avocado and spring onions. Pour sauce all over the rice and serve immediately.

28 thoughts on “Ayam Masak Kicap

  1. Your dish looks so good, and I love the sesame seeds sprinkled on top. I will have to use the low sodium soy sauce though. thanks for sharing a part of your childhood.


  2. Kimberly, I think I like your version of ayam masak kicap better than my mother's recipe! But please don't tell her that. The addition of avocado and sesame seeds certainly adds an extra dimension to the flavors and texture of this dish. You are a genius!


  3. Kim:This is my all time fav dish too, now it is also my son finger licking good dish! He love the soya gravy and the soya sauce eggs that I added in. 😛


  4. oh wow I just finished eating this, I am in food heaven! this was so simple but so tasty! thanks so much for the recipe, I'm so glad I discovered your blog 😀


  5. I just threw some chicken in the freezer and now it looks as though I'm going to have to pull it out because this is absolutely my kind of dish. No wonder it made you cry and was such a good childhood memory. It's fantastic. Thanks so much for sharing it.


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